满帆 University

满帆 工作人员 Member Donates Refurbished Computers to Charity

扎克西格尔, a Solutions Architect working in the Information and 媒体 Technologies (IMT) department, refurbished seven 满帆 computers that were headed for the dump. He donated the machines to 港的房子 佛罗里达州中部.

满帆 工作人员 Member Donates Refurbished Computers to Charity - Hero image

As a Solutions Architect working in the Information and 媒体 Technologies (IMT) department, 扎克西格尔 works with developers and a server team to scale operations for 满帆’s constantly expanding network. Essentially, he’s a problem solver. So when a problem presented itself a few feet from his desk, he decided to do something about it.

“We recycle a lot of old equipment here,” says Zach. “Either computers or equipment related to our educational programs like mixing boards, 音频设备, 诸如此类的东西. And we do the pick-up right near where I work, so I would see the truck come and see them bring all the equipment out. And one day it just occurred to me that these computers could easily have a second life somewhere else.”

When a piece of equipment needs to be replaced, it’s usually due to the malfunction of a single part, or simply because the hardware is outdated. Zach knew he could take two or three old computers, break them down for parts, and use those parts to build a working machine that’s more than capable of meeting the needs of the average person. It was important to him that the computers go to a worthy cause. After asking around, Zach settled on 港的房子 佛罗里达州中部, an organization that provides shelter, 法律, and counseling services to survivors of domestic abuse.

All in all, Zach was able to build and donate seven computers to 港的房子. What’s more, he did all of the work on his own time. Speaking to 满帆 faculty and staff last week, President 加里•琼斯 叫扎克, “someone with a great heart” and said that 满帆 would match the original donation of seven computers with an additional seven machines.

“It was a wonderful surprise,” Zach says of the additional donation. “I was actually on vacation, and I found out about it because all my friends started texting me.”

Moving forward, Zach has plans to refurbish a number of iMacs to donate to St. Luke’s new community center in Winter Garden. And despite the praise pouring in from the 满帆 community, he insists that he’s just an IT guy who likes to maintain a low profile. 但, 他说, he hopes his project inspires others to dream up creative solutions to problems that would otherwise be overlooked.

“I’m happy that people are hearing about it and I hope that it inspires them to pick up the cause. It’s really important to me to give back, and I have thoughts about doing 诸如此类的东西 all the time. And so it’s a matter of just actually taking action, of just doing it. If you have an idea that stays with you, go after it. Make it happen, it’s as simple as that.”